by Dr Erich Roush | Sep 24, 2018 | Parasites, Preventative Care
We have been able to get in touch with the FDA and some of the manufacturers of the oral flea/tick preventatives that fall into the isoxazoline class – Bravecto, NexGard, Simperica and Credelio. Here is some more clarity regarding the Alert and what it means in...
by Dr Erich Roush | Sep 20, 2018 | Parasites, Preventative Care
On September 20th, the FDA came out with a public Alert regarding the potential for neurological adverse events related to flea/tick preventatives within the isoxazoline class – essentially all of the currently available oral flea/tick preventative products (NexGard,...
by Dr Erich Roush | Jan 26, 2018 | Preventative Care
It takes energy for the body to maintain immunity against a pathogen, which is a waste in the eyes of the body if that pathogen is no longer considered a threat. Therefore, your body’s immunity against a pathogen will fade over time if it is not re-exposed or...
by Dr Erich Roush | Jan 25, 2018 | Preventative Care
There is no point to vaccinating against every disease out there. Vaccines have a cost to produce and administer, and – although rare – can have risk(s). So why vaccinate at all? Vaccinations are recommended for diseases that are particularly severe,...
by Dr Erich Roush | Jan 24, 2018 | Preventative Care
Nothing is perfect – including our immune systems – and vaccines are not without their risks, although they are exceptionally rare. Allergic Reactions: These are rare in pets – less than 1% of vaccinated pets – but just like a pet can have an allergy to pollens...
by Dr Erich Roush | Jan 23, 2018 | Preventative Care
A common question we are asked is why pets of different sizes need different doses of medication(s), but the volume of their vaccine(s) are the same. It is a very good question! When doctors or veterinarians are prescribing or administering a drug, their goal is to...